Already
have
an
account?
Please
login.
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Why
log
in?
Logging
in
allows
you
to
manage
your
account.
Once
logged
in
you
can
easily
update
your
personal
information
or
submit
more
work.
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Do
need
to
set
up
an
account?
If
you
have
already
submitted
work
using
our
automated
system
you
already
have
an
account.
If
not,
doing
so
will
create
an
account.
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How
do
access
my
account?
To
access
your
account,
you
will
need
the
email
address
and
password
you
originally
used
to
submit
your
work.
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What
if
forget
my
password?
You
can
reset
your
password
using
the
form
below.
Enter
the
email
address
you
used
to
create
your
account
and
a
password
reset
link
will
be
sent
to
that
address.
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What
if
still
need
help?
Please
email
WillemDoherty
[at]
gmail
[dot]
com.
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